Monday, December 9, 2013

White Weekend - CAUTION: Debbie Downer moment

Happy white Monday! Holy cow…are we all suffering from some form of cabin fever yet? I am in my office at home, looking out into our backyard and all I see is WHITE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! ICE! Yes, it is cool to be stranded at home, watching movies, drinking hot chocolate - on the first night…maybe the second. But when you are going on the FOURTH day of gets old. VERY QUICKLY.

Ok, so I thought I would come to you guys with a product I think would have come in handy this weekend - the About Town Blanket. Sure I have blankets at home but I honestly don't have one in my car. And heaven forbid, something happen and I need a blanket in my car. A friend of mine got one and it is SO CUTE! I know, we don't want to think of accidents and what not but that is what I do for a living so you ALWAYS need a Plan B. Yes, a Plan B! CAUTION - Said Debbie Downer moment: So, what if you get stuck in your car and you need to stay warm…you need a blanket. You need this blanket!! (said with big eyes and weird hypnotizing music)

You can use it for happy things too…like picnics or putting cute babies on them outside …WHEN THE WEATHER COOPERATES! It has a slick bottom so said cute babies won't get stickers or other such nonsense on them.

Here are a couple of photos (who says "photos" anymore?!? Me, apparently.):


one side is fuzzy and soft and the other side is slick:

See?!?! CUTE, right?!?! And it does not take up too much space. Here are the patterns this handy dandy blanket comes in:

Let me know if you have any questions and as always, thank you for your support!

Talk to you soon,

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